instructional strategies

Top Two Teaching Methods, According to Research

According to The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) (source), a branch of the U.S. Department of Education, the top two methods for instruction are:

  1. Recommendation 5b: Use quizzes to re-expose students to information: PDF

  2. Recommendation 7: Help students build explanations by asking and answering deep questions: PDF

Note: Click on a PDF link to learn how to use each Recommendation in your classroom.

If you want to learn how to navigate the site where I retrieved this information, watch the following video:

Research in Progress: The Learning Diagnostic

I'm working on a learning diagnostic that you can use to help your child/student be more successful with their learning.

It’s essentially a graphic organizer for a mini-course about learning, which is backed by research.

Check out the video below to see what I have so far. I’d love to hear some of your ideas so I can include things I may not have thought of.

I'm The Educator at School Your Brain.

Don’t forget to connect with me on Social Media (see menu).