School Your Brain

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The Top Method Of Instruction And Learning, According To Research

Do you know research shows that testing is one the top methods of instruction and learning?

According to Institute of Education Sciences, which is a research branch of the U.S. Department of Education (, quizzing has the strongest evidence for instruction and learning.

That's why I always tell my students you should test yourself everyday.

For example, my math students often use their notes to help them complete homework.

But looking at your notes simultaneous to solving a math problem only weakens your ability to recall that information at a later time.

I always recommend to go as far as you can without your notes, and only use them when you are absolutely stuck and cannot proceed any further.

Forcing yourself to recall information without your notes is the equivalent of lifting heavy weights; it will only make you stronger.

Additionally, I always make my students explain their thinking process because it is also a test.

And they--as well as you--will notice their learning gaps immediately, which leads to offering better interventions and accommodations.

If you want learn more about how to use quizzing to improve instruction and learning in your classroom, visit the U.S. Department of Education website: click here.

I also made a video explaining how to navigate their website below:

I hope you find this information helpful!

I'm The Educator at School Your Brain.

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